The "Sand Zebra Parade" Boppy® Feeding & Infant Support Pillows is one of the first precious items you'll use to bond with your new baby and shape your mealtime routine. More than just a nursing pillow, Boppy® Original Support for Feeding & Milestones is made to support your baby during supervised awake time through first year milestones. The perfect pillow for your baby’s first year, the Boppy® Best Latch™ Breastfeeding Pillow was designed with a lactation consultant for the breastfeeding mom.
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Welcome to the Veterans Lactation Program
This is a benefit offered by your VA with order fulfillment services
provided by Ryan Resources Inc.
We thank you for your service - we are here to serve you!
Please go directly to Tab 2 - VETERANS LACTATION PACKAGE and choose one breast pump and three nursing bras - which is the standard VA order.
Return to the HOME screen to enter your choices and press submit. You will receive confirmation of your submission via email.
Please Note!!!! Only those choices under Tab 2 are allowed unless you have received notification from your VA of alternative products.
If your VA has ordered additional items for you they will ship complete in your package. Thank you - We look forward to hearing from you!
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